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Votez (máximo  options)
Score ( points par option)

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Compact Polls is a tool to create polls and ratings in a quick easy way. Its design is optimized to have a great experience from mobile devices. This makes this service suitable to use in typical messaging apps like Whatsapp, Telegram, Facebook Messenger, Signal, TikTok, LinkedIn... The polls are private and you can enter an administration password to protect the results and make voters and votes anonymous. Typical use cases for this web app is to create polls for whatsapp groups to decide a date for an event or vote what option is the best from a pool of options. It is also possible to create a rating poll where users can rate different choices from 0 to 5 or 0 to 10. Compact Polls has two themes, normal and dark mode and you can also choose the icon that will be shown with the results. The results can be shared directly as a message in your favourite messaging app or social network.